B. Comm. ÉA AEO
Certified Residential & Commercial Real Estate Broker
Chartered Real Estate Appraiser​
Robert-Charles is the owner and manager of IMM real estate agency. He has a diploma in business from Ottawa University as well as a real estate diploma from Université du Québec à Montréal. Chartered broker member of l'OACIQ and chartered appraiser member of l'Ordre des Évaluateurs Agréés du Quebec. Having worked during 20 years as a real estate appraiser, he is a great negotiator when
selling or buying residential, income or commercial properties. ​
Dr. in Art History-Architecture
Art & Estate Appraiser
Residential Real Estate Broker
Certified Ecobroker
C 514 909 5378
Born in the Netherlands and established in Montreal since 1991, Pascalline holds a PhD in Art History from Utrecht University in the Netherlands,​
with a major in Architecture.
Having evolved as an art gallery director, she brings to the agency a rare expertise as an art and estate collection appraiser.
Organized and disciplined, Pascalline offers you a quality, ‘clés en main’ real estate service. She acquired her real estate experience at La Capitale and RE/MAX before joining IMM in 2022.
Multilingual, Pascalline speaks French, English, Dutch and German.

Residential & Commercial
Real Estate Broker
Interior Designer
Laura has a degree in Art History from McGill University, as well as a diploma in Interior Design and Residential & Commercial Real Estate. She splits her time as a real estate broker, an interior designer and a teacher at Herzing College.
Laura joined the team in 2018. She is proud to share her love and knowledge of architecture and design with her real estate clients, ensuring that they find a home with true potential.

B.F.A. B.A.
Marketing l Designer
Lyne has a diploma in the Fine Arts and also in Visual Art Education. She worked for various advertising agencies, design studios before joining Foncia team.
She is responsible for the marketing and the publicity at IMM.